Clients and cases

Search for technologies, competencies, partners

Expertise of projects, including market potential, and their promotion

Innovative consulting and methods

Educational programs in the field of technology commercialization and acceleration

Search for projects and competencies for the United Engine Corporation
1. Conducting a project search and drawing up a long list, collecting additional information on projects from the short list
2. Conducting a search for projects and competencies among residents of Russian technoparks
3. Conducting a search for reserves (close to the topic of projects, scientific teams with competencies), with the provision of information about projects implemented close to the topic

• 48 projects were found in direction 1, 20 projects were selected by the customer, for which additional information and materials were collected. 6 performers are recommended for further interaction
• 17 companies were found (10 in the main list and 7 in the additional one) in the direction 2. Information on implemented projects and available intellectual property was collected.
• A search for projects and competencies was conducted among residents of Russian technoparks. More than 50 leading technoparks were analyzed. In 20 of them, companies with competencies in areas of interest to the customer were found
Scope of work:
Technology expertise for PJSC «Tatneft»
• Development of a methodology and an electronic questionnaire for evaluating project applications using the TPRL methodology
• Conducting an expert examination of project applications
More than 180 projects of the acceleration program of PJSC «Tatneft» were examined
Scope of work:
Task -
examination of project applications for the acceleration program of PJSC «Tatneft»
Search and selection of potential foreign buyers and partners
• Potential partners and customers were found in 11 countries
• More than 60 initial online negotiations were held between representatives of Tomsk business and foreign partners
In 2020, the following works were carried out for the Business Development Fund and the Export Support Center of the Tomsk Region:

• Search and selection of potential partners whose activities correspond to the profiles of the declared small and medium-sized businesses of the Tomsk region
• Organization of an installation meeting with a story about the peculiarities of the market, doing business, etc., with the participation of a representative of the country
• Organization and conduct of individual negotiations for small and medium-sized businesses (hereinafter SMSP) of the Tomsk region with partners from the selected country (at least 3 partners per 1 SMSP) using the video conference service
• Provision of translators (if necessary)
• Providing a list of "cold" contacts of companies whose activities also correspond to the SMSP profiles
The following countries were covered during the project:
Netherlands, Republic of Korea, Republic of the Philippines,, Kingdom of Denmark, State of Qatar, State of Kuwait, Sultanate of Oman, Republic of Finland, Kingdom of Norway, Malaysia, Republic of Singapore
Expertise of projects for
Rostec Academies
• Desk research (collection of information from open and closed sources for its further systematization and analysis) of potential markets and applications (areas of commercialization)
• Search for representatives of potential customers, industry experts to conduct interviews
• Conducting expert interviews with representatives of potential customers
• Preparation of an analytical report, including information on the advantages of the technology, potential commercial applications, competitors, barriers to market entry, expert recommendations on the feasibility of further work on the project.
An examination of the commercial potential of 4 projects of the «Rostec» Group business accelerator was carried out
Scope of work:
Task -
examination of the commercial potential of the projects participating in the business accelerator of the «Rostec» State Corporation
Search for technologies for LG
• Search for companies/startups in the following areas:

• Preparation of detailed reports on selected companies, including detailed information about the technology, information about the company's intellectual property (whether the company/performers have security documents for this project or similar topics), global competitors, information about contracts with customers
More than 12 relevant companies have been identified, detailed reports have been compiled for 4 of them for selection among the participants of OI Fair 2020
Scope of work:
Task -
search for companies/startups in the field of materials science and industrial informatics
• Managing process optimization
• Service forecast
• Development of new materials
• Database of various OLED properties
Search for technologies and best practices in the interests of the International Technology Transfer Network
(International Technology Transfer Network)
• Search for and attract technology developers in the following areas to participate in the competition «100 best industrial innovative technologies for international technology transfer» :

• Search for successful cases of international technology transfer and attracting developers to participate in the international program «The best World Practices for International Technology Transfer in 2020»
Developers of more than 50 technologies were involved in the competition, 10 successful cases were presented as part of the program on the best world practices of international technology transfer in 2020
Scope of work:
Task -
search for companies/startups in the field of materials science and industrial informatics
• artificial intelligence and advanced high-tech production
• biotechnologies and health-saving technologies
• new energy, sustainable development and green innovations
• intelligent transport and ICTТ
Search for technologies for ABBA RUS
• Search for projects in the field of development of medicines and medical products in the following areas:

• Communication with teams from the agreed list of projects and collecting additional up-to-date information on the status
• Organization and holding of the first remote meetings with the participation of the customer and the project developers
More than 50 relevant projects were found, 15 questionnaires were collected with up-to-date additional information on projects ready for negotiations with the customer, 15 remote meetings were held
Skope of work:
search for projects in the field of development of medicines and medical products ready for cooperation with ABBA RUS
• biotechnology and genetic engineering
• molecular biology
Search for technologies and organization of a foresight tour for PJSC «SIBUR Holding»
• Search for companies/institutions with competencies and developments that correspond to the focus of interests of PJSC SIBUR Holding, formation of an analytical report with patent analytics, grouping of companies by region and selection of the Foresight Tour region
• Formation of an expanded list of companies/institutions for the selected region (Republic of Korea), indicating the list of developments and topics that will be covered during the Foresight tour
• Negotiations with selected companies/institutions and coordination of the possibility of their visits by representatives of PJSC SIBUR Holding, development of a schedule of visits
• Organizing and holding meetings in the Republic of Korea with representatives of such companies as GS Galtex, DOWON INDUSTRY, BANDO E&T, LG Chemical, KITECH, ECO CREATION INDUSTRIES, Willeap, etc.
• Full organization of flights, accommodation, logistics and support of representatives of PJSC SIBUR Holding in the Republic of Korea
A week-long stay of employees of PJSC SIBUR Holding in South Korea was organized, meetings were held with representatives of more than 20 companies
Scope of work:
search and expansion of the base of innovative technical solutions and technologies that meet the strategic interests of PJSC SIBUR Holding, implementation of new technical solutions and formation of innovative thinking at the sites
Search for NTI companies for RVC
• Development of a questionnaire and criteria for evaluating companies with the greatest innovation and export potential, with prospects for development in the areas of STI
• Search, attracting companies/startups that correspond to the market directions of NTI
• Development of methodology and examination of questionnaires to assess the company's compliance with the market directions of NTI, the potential for the development of NTI projects, the prospects of the technologies being developed
• Assistance to companies in submitting applications for NTI support measures
• Preparation of an analytical report with an overview of the state of high-tech companiesй
• >300 questionnaires from companies interested in participating
• >100 applications for support programs
• 15 projects were submitted to the Project Committee 0.
• 1 analytical report with an overview of the state of high-tech companies
Scope of work:
search, attraction and selection of companies that meet the market directions of the National Technology Initiative (NTI), assistance in preparing applications for support programs
Search for technologies and teams for INVITRO
• Technologies of medical diagnostics.
• Technologies related to the delivery of biological samples.
• Medical decision support systems.
• Systems for visualizing diagnostic results.
• MIS\LIS of the new generation.
• eHealth\mHealth.
• Remote health monitoring, telemedicine.
• Technologies that expand the functionality of medical offices
• Genetic technologies.
• Mobile diagnostic devices \ miniaturization technologies.
• Medical BigData
• Medical educational technologies.
• Antimicrobial protection, 3d bioprinting.
About 60 projects were found in the area of potential interests of INVITRO, an investment process was launched for 2 projects, an expert examination was carried out for 6 more
search for technologies, developers, startups in the following areas:
Solving the problem of reducing corona discharge losses in the networks of PJSC «FGC UES»
• Conducting an open request for innovative solutions to reduce power losses for corona discharge on 220 -750 kV transmission line wires.
• Analysis and selection of the best proposals, organize interaction and support of projects, including:
One of the best development teams of superhydrophobic coatings in the Russian Federation has been found (Academician Boynovich's group at the IFHiEH named after Frumkina), confirmed funding from the Federal Grid Company in the amount of 100 million rubles to fine-tune the technology to pilot-industrial
Scope of work:
search, attraction and selection of companies that meet the market directions of the National Technology Initiative (NTI), assistance in preparing applications for support programs
• semantic search for more than 100 reserves on the topic (Patents, Articles, ZFT, Projects)
• assessment of the patent landscape on the international and Russian market
• assessment of the degree of readiness of the reserves for introduction into production (based on the TPRL methodology)
• Organization of an expert group of developers-representatives of Lomonosov Moscow State University, IFHE RAS, MISiS, TsAGI, SSU to solve the task
• Assistance to teams in preparing and submitting proposals to reduce corona discharge losses in response to the Customer's technological request
Search for technologies for the Ilim Group
• Search for technologies in the field of processing of CBP waste into liquid biofuels
• Collecting additional information
• Negotiations with suppliers/developers, updating the project status, evaluating the development stage, collecting commercial proposals
More than 40 relevant projects were found, extended annotations were prepared for 25, negotiations were held with the heads of 4 of them. 1 the project remained in further development with the Customer
Scope of work:
a large amount of waste from pulp and paper production (needles, sawdust, twigs, etc.), which must be cleaned. The idea is to find technologies for processing these wastes into liquid biofuels
Research "Prospects of Russian IT developments in the global market" in the interests of SAP
A study of more than 120 Russian IT developers, 90 software products, with an assessment of their international potential, including a survey of more than 30 experts
Scope of work:
search for Russian developers with potential in the international market in order to involve them in the SAP ecosystem
The report is available at the link
• Research of potential, unique advantages and niches in which Russian IT developments could become competitive in foreign markets
• Assessment of the level of readiness of Russian IT solutions for international commercialization (TPRL)
• Search for potential suppliers of innovative solutions in accordance with the client's request
• Development of a set of measures for enterprises, development institutions and public authorities to develop the export of Russian IT productsи
Search for technologies for JSC «Krastsvetmet»
• Search and identification of teams/projects/groundwork in the following technological areas:
A study of more than 120 Russian IT developers, 90 software products, with an assessment of their international potential, including a survey of more than 30 experts
Scope of work:
the need to expand target markets and the number of consumers of precious metals, including those with higher added value
• Processing of raw materials containing precious metals, refining
• Environmental protection technologies and creation of eco-friendly production (recycling, catalysis processes, energy efficiency, purification of gas emissions, treatment of industrial effluents)
• Modeling, design and engineering, additive manufacturing
• Materials and technologies replacing the industrial use of precious metals
• Communication with teams from the agreed list, identification of projects/teams ready for further negotiations with the Customer
• Providing final lists and recommendations to the Customer
Strategic sessions with initiators of R&D projects at «ROSATOM» State Corporation in order to increase the market potential of project results
• Lectures on basic topics (market analysis, benchmarking, patent search, calendar and financial planning, assessment of the level of readiness taking into account the TRL methodology
• Practical seminars with performers of scientific and technical projects
• Analysis of the Customer's practical cases
5 strategic sessions were successfully held with representatives of about 150 projects
Scope of work:
the need to improve the competencies of managers and executors of early-stage scientific and technical projects in matters of technology commercialization
Search for technologies in the field of cooling and utilization of low-potential heat for mining farms
• Search for technologies in the field of utilization and recovery of low-potential heat, cooling, fire extinguishing, power electronics
• Collecting additional information
More than 30 projects and groundwork on relevant topics have been found
Scope of work:
reduction of operating costs for the operation of a mining farm through the utilization of low-potential heat or the use of innovative cooling systems
Conducting a search for projects (technologies) in the interests of Gazpromneft STC
• Formation and coordination of the work plan and search methodology
• Identification and evaluation of teams and reserves in accordance with the tactical and technical requirements of the Customer
• Conducting an open request for innovative projects/technologies
• Forming a long list of found projects (technologies) received during an open request for proposals and providing it to the customer
A list of 20+ projects/technologies/ proposals, for each of the point requests
Scope of work:
spot search for projects (technologies) in various technological areas, in accordance with the customer's tasks
• Search technologies that allow you to build a highway, a Playground without the use of backfill soil without the use of a complex of specialized equipment in a short period of time (works completed in the second quarter 2021г)
• Finding solutions for sustainable communication channel within the field seismic acquisition project for data transmission of different types and volume (works completed in the second quarter 2021г)
In search of technologies of application of magnetorheological and electrorheological fluids in various industries and production processes (implemented in the third quarter 2021г)
* Search for technologies for cleaning the gas-oil mixture from hydrogen sulfide (implemented in the third quarter of 2021)
• Search for technologies for flaw detection of composite materials (fiberglass, carbon fiber, basalt) and equipment for its implementation (implemented in the third quarter of 2021)
Examples of point queries:
*The project is carried out jointly with the Federal Institute of Industrial Property (FIPS)
Development of the concept of a crowdsourcing expert and mentor network sub-segment
• The analysis of the experience of launching and functioning of expertise containing elements of techno-brokerage, including the experience
of the development institutes of the Russian Federation and international experience, the experience of the functioning of expert communities, including the development institutes of the Russian Federation and international experience is analyzed
* The structure and mechanisms of functioning of such communities
are analyzed, ways of involving and motivating new members of the community are studied
* The integration process and the role of such a community in the Innovation ecosystem are analyzed
* Interviews were conducted with potential leaders and community members
* The analysis of existing training and certification programs for technology brokers in Russia and abroad has been carried outв
Works performed within the framework of the study:
development of the concept of a sub-segment of a crowdsourcing expert and mentor network for the development of innovative projects aimed at facilitating technology transfer
Services in the interests of PJSC «Gazprom Neft»
• Evaluation of the applied technologies of industrial acceleration programs as a tool for managing the innovative development of the company
• Expert support of audit of internal work of employees of the Center of Digital Technologies of PJSC Gazprom Neft on interaction with suppliers
• Development and testing of the project readiness levels system for diagnostics of external and internal R&D projects of PJSC «Gazprom Neft»
Completed works:
Assistance in creating the concept of the Technopolis project in Voronezh
• Preparation of a brief concept (Executive Summary) of Technopolis as an innovation hub - the center of the innovation and technological economy of the region, including:
Completed works:
• Tasks and activities of the CI
• Specialization and composition of CI services
• Recommendations on the composition of equipment and requirements for CI premises
• Recommendations on the use of support programs for INDIVIDUALS in the Russian Federation
• The main content, structures and processes of Technopolis
• Fundamentals of the Technopolis financial model in terms of potential revenue streams
• Holding a strategic session on the concepts of REC and Technopark in Voronezh with representatives of universities and local businesses
• Preparation of the substantive part of the Technical specifications for the Technopark project (without the part related to the design of real estate objects)
• Formation of technical specifications for the architectural concept in terms of the functional distribution of infrastructure
• Preparation of proposals for a technological concept
• Elaboration of the concept of the engineering center (CI), including
• Elaboration of the concept of the industrial club, clarification of the industry specifics of the REC
Expertise of projects in the interests of Gazpromneft STC
• Examination of the level of readiness of the project, the state of intellectual property, the «relevance» of the project, and other parameters in accordance with the criteria of the Customer
• Expert opinions with an assessment of the degree of readiness and recommendations on the team.
• A list of pre-selected and recommended teams with the highest degree of readiness of the reserve, as well as those who have shown business orientation and interest in cooperation.
Scope of work:
conducting an examination of the technological project in terms of the level of technology readiness (including TRL/ TPRL), the state of intellectual property, the "relevance" of the project in accordance with the Customer's request.
• Communication with the teams identified by the results of the previous stages.
• Assessment of the level of readiness of the reserves for implementation (based on the TPRL methodology).
• Preparation of expert opinions with the designation of teams «recommended for interaction».
Services in the interests of «IPI-lab» LLC
• Development of an acceleration methodology based on TPRL, which will include the following activities in relation to the accelerator participant project:
Scope of work:
Task -
provision of services for the development and testing/implementation of the acceleration methodology based on TPRL, including the preparation of training materials for trackers
• Testing/evaluation of the current state of the project (at the beginning of pre-acceleration)
• Recommendations for creating missing project results and documents, depending on the current level of TPRL
• Development of a roadmap for the development of ORL\BRL\CTRL for the acceleration period, depending on TRL at the end of acceleration
• Acceleration plan based on recommendations and roadmap
• Testing/evaluation of the project status at the end of pre-accelerationn
• Instructions for testing/evaluating the status of the project
• List of required project results and documents depending on the level
• Development of training materials for trackers
Services in the interests of «Almaty Management University»
• Formation of the national innovation ecosystem
• Expertise of innovative projects
• Identification of sources of innovation: assessment and analysis
• Creation and development of an innovative climate and infrastructure
• Technologies for scaling innovative projects
• Management of state innovation development on the example of current cases
• Practical application of current cases
Conducting short training courses on the following topics in the spring of 2021:
provision of services for reading courses
Lectures and practical classes on international technology transfer for the Business Development Fund and the Export Support Center of the Tomsk Region
• When to enter the international market - strategies for commercialization of innovations and technologies
• Which foreign market to choose – features of countries in relation to Russian startups
• How to enter foreign markets - business models, advantages, disadvantages
• Examples of companies that have entered international markets. Analysis of cases and key errors
• Attracting Russian and foreign investments to enter the international market
• Interaction with international organizations - search for partners and work with non-financial support measures
• How to present yourself and the project - an effective presentation taking into account the specifics of international technology transfer
Topics of lectures and practical classes:
conducting lectures and seminars in the format of a round table «International projects of innovative and technological companies. Theory and practice» for advanced training of representatives of small and medium-sized businesses of the Tomsk region
Business development and promotion of new products of JSC «Krastsvetmet» in the defense industry segment
• Анализ рынка потенциальных партнеров из числа организаций ОПК и выявление подтвержденной заинтересованности в создании новой продукции с использованием целевого сегмента ОАО «Красцветмет»
• Сформирован профиль целевого партнера среди организаций ОПК
• Подготовлен лонг-лист более чем из 30 организаций ОПК, по 10 из них собрана дополнительная информация
• Сформированы возможные бизнес-модели сотрудничества заказчика и организаций ОПК
• Проведены совместные с заказчиком переговоры, получены письменные подтверждения заинтересованности в сотрудничестве
Scope of work:
Task -
development of partnerships with organizations of the military-industrial complex (MIC) for joint commercialization of new products of JSC «Krastsvetmet»
• Формирование профиля целевого партнера, включая анализ продуктового портфеля и производственной базы, целевой клиентской базы, оценку финансового состояния партнера на базе публичной информации
• Формирование лонг- и шорт-листа потенциальных партнеров, сбор дополнительной информации, включая интервью отраслевых экспертов и представителей организаций ОПК
• Формирование предварительных предложений и бизнес-моделей потенциального сотрудничества с организациями ОПК
• Проведение переговоров и получение подтверждений заинтересованности в сотрудничестве
• Анализ потенциального спроса со стороны организаций ОПК на дополнительный продукты ОАО «Красцветмет», включая получение обратной связи от представителей организаций ОПК
• Analysis of the market of potential partners from among the defense industry organizations and identification of confirmed interest on the part of defense industry organizations in creating new products using the target segment of JSC Krastsvetmet and/or in purchasing these products for their own needs
• The profile of the target partner for JSC «Krastsvetmet» among the defense industry organizations has been formed
• A long list of more than 30 defense industry organizations has been prepared, additional information has been collected for 10 of them
• Possible business models of cooperation between the customer and defense industry organizations have been formed
• Conducted joint negotiations with the customer with representatives of the defense industry
• Written confirmations of interest in cooperation have been receivedе
развитие партнерских отношений с организациями оборонно-промышленного комплекса (ОПК) для совместной коммерциализации новых продуктов ОАО «Красцветмет»
• Formation of the profile of the target partner, including analysis of the product portfolio and the associated profile of the production base, the target customer base, assessment of the financial condition of the partner based on public information
• Formation of a long list of potential partners that previously corresponds to the agreed profile. Discussion and formation of a shortlist
• Analytical research, including interviews with industry experts and representatives of defense industry organizations, to collect additional information on organizations from the shortlist
• Formation of preliminary proposals and business models of potential cooperation with defense industry organizations together with the customer
• Conducting negotiations with representatives of defense industry organizations together with the customer, obtaining confirmations of interest in cooperation
• Analysis of potential demand from defense industry organizations for additional products of JSC kRastsvetmet, including receiving feedback from representatives of defense industry organizations
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Association of Brokers of Innovations and Technologies.